Thursday, October 21, 2010

Medical Charities

I can not even tell you the frustration I feel every time there is a new charity drive for medical charities (cure this disease, help cure that disease).  It is my opinion that every disease is curable without any drugs, radiation, or suffering (unless you consider giving up your favorite food as suffering - which many seem to).  I consider every dollar given to one of these organizations like giving a dollar to help kill someone.  That may sound a bit extreme, but that's the way it makes me feel.  These organizations do nothing but help to cover up the truth, which is that these diseases are already curable

Everyone is looking for that "magic pill."  Well here's a shocker - it doesn't exist.  There is no quick fix.  Your body is capable of healing itself if fed properly, but it TAKES TIME.  In fact, time is the only key ingredient in making every disease 100% curable.  If you have enough time for your body to do it's thing, it will. 

I wish folks would do a little research before they throw their money away.  Any organization that claims to be associated with the disease of the month will get money thrown at it.  At least learn where your money goes.  I used to just give my money away if it was for "charity."  Now I'm always skeptical, and really look into the organization and ask questions.  I no longer want to give money to organizations doing work I don't believe in.  Also, pick any disease - call it disease X - and google "X natural cures."  You may be surprised at what you will find.  The information is all out there thanks to the web, but no doctor will ever give it to you (well a few will, and that number is growing all the time).  In a future blog I'll tell you the story of my parents and their battles with cancer - it may help change your minds about some things.


  1. Looking forward to more rants. I am really interested in your parents story as my father dies a few years ago from lung cancer. Best wishes with the blog! Think this will be a great outlet for you!

  2. Thanks Phil - it is! It's impossible to get ideas across on facebook or twitter. Wish I did this months ago!
